Broker Authority
MC + USDOT Broker Authority
- Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) (included)
- LLC Business Registration (additional cost based on State)
- USDOT Number (included)
- Property Broker (MC) Authority (included)
- BOC 3 Process Agents (included)
- UCR (included)
* $1040 includes all costs except Limited Liability Company fees paid to your Secretary of State.
Broker Authority Package is for the entrepreneur starting out fresh.
We ensure you obtain a separate Fed EIN for your new business, register the business with your State as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and set your business up with the proper IRS Tax Classification
With the Broker Authority Package you are ready to start brokering loads in as little as 2 - 3 weeks!
This package provides everything required to start your business as a broker.
Peace of Mind. We understand that starting out for many new businesses can be very stressful. TSC Authority helps you balance the big picture by taking the process out of your way
Expenses for the Broker Authority Package
$ 1040 Includes:
- $ 625 paid to TSC Authority (IFTA Permits included)
- $ 300 paid to FMCSA for USDOT and MC Number
- $ 40 paid to BOC 3 Process issuing agency
- $ 75 paid to UCR (per truck)
Depending on your State:
- $ 40 to $ 300 paid to your Secretary of State office for Limited Liability Company (LLC) business registration
- Examples: OH - $100; Texas - $300; TN - $300, etc
Other costs you may incur:
- Contingent General Liability and Contingent Cargo Liability coverage policies